HPU Student Portal – How to login and pay registration fees!

Here is the website link to login and pay your college registration fees.

hpu student portal amazing info nst web creation

Add your ID and password ( Password will be your date-of-birth ) Like 10/10/2000

You will redirected to this page and click on Exams.

hpu student portal dashboard

Next window screen will be like this..

hpu student portal online payment

Click on Continue and next screen will be ..Like this

As above select your all subjects and fill all the tabs “Exam Details” , “Subject Details” etc ..

confirm payment of hpu student

And the last Step is for payment .. Select this HDFC Bank option…

Question:- I don’t have HDFC bank card for payment ?

Ans:- don’t worry it is just a payment Gateway.. you can choose your bank card option in next step.

hpu student portal hdfc bank for online payment

Next screen will be.. Like this

Choose Other Bank Debit or Credit card etc… for online payment here.

Add you Card details there and Click on Proceed.

online payment hpu student portal

Enter the OTP and Payment will be successful.

hpu student portal payment done

Now Payment is done .. and click on Go to find submit page.

Click on submit Application to complete the registration. after the you will see a message like below.

Now your HPU student portal registration is completed.

Best wishes for all students ✌️✌️

Thanks 🙏🙏 🙂

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Published by

Narender Singh

Myself Narender Singh Thakur ( NST ) and i share my Experience/Knowledge and Tricks for folks and beginners to solve their issues while making websites through this Planet.

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